Visit by Chinese Embassy in 1897

"The Celebrated Chinese embassy that visited the United States in 1868, paid Alameda County a visit on the 15th of April and viewed many place of interest on this side of the bay." 

Where did they visit while in Alameda County? Did they only visit Oakland or come as far as the Washington Township?

The Stanford University student newspaper said 21 April 1897 that "A number of high Chinese officials visited at the Zeta Psi house Saturday. The new Chinese minister to Washington and a nephew of Li Hung Chang were members of the party." . Li Hung Chang was a highly prominent Chinese statesman in 1897. Why did they visit a fraternity house? Were there Chinese students at Stanford?
There was a mention in the Daily Alta California, August 1, 1878 , that the members of the embassy was photographed by Bradley and Rulofson. If you google "Bradley and Rulfoson Chinese ambassador" you will find images like the one to the left and also the original.
These visits were before and after the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882. What was the reason for the visits?


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